17 Interesting Facts That Will Make You Want to Travel

  1. Traveling can improve problem solving skills and boost creativity. New sounds, smells, tastes, languages, and sights create synapses in the brain and promote neuroplasticity.
  2. Women who vacation at least twice a year have a significantly lower risk of suffering from a heart attack than those who travel every six years or so.
  3. Men who do not take a vacation at least once per year have a 20% higher risk of death and 30% greater risk of heart disease.
  4. Women who travel on vacation at least twice per year are less likely to suffer from depression than those who don’t travel or those who vacation less.
  5. Studies show that money spent on travel makes you happier than money spent on material goods.
  6. France is the most visited country in the world, with over 82 million international visitors per year.
  7. An introvert is more likely to choose to travel to the mountains for vacation, while an extrovert is more likely to travel to the beach.
  8. “Hodophobia” is the fear of traveling or road traveling. The word “hodo” is Greek for “travel” or “road”, and “phobia” is Greek for “fear”.
  9. Couples who travel together tend to have stronger relationships. Humans naturally bond when they need to trust one another in new situations and circumstances.
  10. The shortest passenger flight is between Westray and Pap Westray in Scotland’s Orkney Islands, which are separated by just 1.7 miles of land and sea. The flight lasts 47 seconds.
  11. Honolulu is the only place in the United States that has a royal palace.
  12. Russia produces the most oxygen in the world.
  13. France covers the most time zones.
  14. With more than 3 million lakes, Canada has the most lakes in the world.
  15. 99% of Libya is desert.
  16. Las Vegas, Nevada has the most hotel rooms of any city in the world.
  17. All the money that is tossed into Rome’s Trevi Fountain is collected each night and donated to multiple charities.